Why a Clean Slate Matters

A clean slate matters for individuals, for families, and for the workforce.

  • Everyone should have a fair opportunity to make a living, take care of their families, and participate in their communities. After people have finished their sentences, they should have a fair shot at a future.

  • Tens of millions of people—including many who were never convicted—face the stigma of a criminal record, even after meeting all legal obligations. These unsealed CORIs unfairly limit access to jobs, housing, education, and full participation in their communities.

  • An arrest or conviction record should not be a life sentence to poverty, exclusion, and stigma. When our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and community members are barred from fully participating in society and our economy because of a past mistake, we all lose out. We can do better.

  • The Clean Slate legislation in MA would create a modern, automated system to seal Criminal Offender Record Information (CORIs) as soon as current state laws allow. No more time-intensive red tape and delays with a dated petition-based process. Twelve states already have Clean Slate laws.

  • Nearly 1 in 5 people in MA have a criminal record—that’s well over 1 million people. Less than 10% of those eligible have sealed records. In MA alone, approximately 672,000 people would benefit this year from a Clean Slate law—getting a second chance to better lives for themselves.

  • The Clean Slate model works to ensure everyone has a meaningful chance at a better life for themselves and their children. PA, UT, NJ, MI, CT, DE, VA, OK, CO, CA, MN and NY have passed clean slate sealing laws.

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